Don't get me wrong. Times are hard...or at least scary...for most if not all. DH and I are always worried about the "What if" since I'm a state employee, who's facing a 10.5% budget cut. "What if" they decide to fill that cut with my job? Or do furloughs? Or... I could keep going. And he's in what some see as a "luxury" market...though, gratefully, others see it as a cost saver. Scooters rock. No other way around it. But if the banks don't start lending again, his sales might stay where they are...instead of go up like we've been thinking they would in the spring. So we deal with the "what if's" and make our plans conservatively.
But this article really burned me up. This woman in Buckhead wants you to feel sorry for her because she isn't allowed to rent her $400K+ condo, and she might lose it to she did with her "lake house" (unspecified, but I would guess Lake Lanier...also in the $400K range). Not to mention at the end it states she's living in another condo because "it's cheaper". Well guess what, honey, it would be even cheaper if you only had ONE of those condos in the first place. are trying to sell the one. But why BUY a second one in the first place when you have one you are struggling with? And it's supposedly almost right next door, so it's not like it was a "vacation home" that she has just decided to live in...she purposely bought 2 condos in downtown Atlanta. Duh?
See, this is what annoys me. People with a sense of entitlement wanting you to feel sorry for them when they lose a house they never should have bought in the first place because it was more than they could really afford. There are many people GENUINELY struggling. They weren't living beyond their means, but through whatever circumstances, they now are (job loss, pay cuts, last summers gas prices skyrocketing...). THOSE are the people I feel sorry for. They haven't made stupid decisions. They have done what they can to stay afloat, but it just isn't easy. THEY deserve the bailouts and rescue plans. Not the ones who did stupid shit and now think the world is owed to them.
And don't even get me started on Octo-mom. She falls in this category too...
I’m Fine. (A lie.)
5 years ago