Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Another day, another dollar.

And some days, it feels like that's all I get. No appreciation at all.

I had training today on a new time sheet entry system. Serious waste of time, but I didn't ask to boss sent me. The one woman I work with calls upstairs and asks where I am. Ruth tells her. Then she starts saying how I didn't send anything out yesterday and I didn't do this and I didn't do that. Well, Ruth tells her "she had about 20 or 30 envelopes when she came up here, so I know she did." And yes...nothing went out the day before. But instead of asking me WHY...which was because the mail guy came 45 minutes early for his last pickup of the day and I was still addressing envelopes...she just starts telling everyone I didn't do it. And, oh by the way, just because I sit down there the whole day now and applied for the Specialist job, I do not yet HAVE said job and I still report to someone else...which means I have other duties as well as the full time job I have been doing. Like web updates. That haven't been done. For over a month. Some of them I've had to make time for. Like when they ask me for the 3rd time if it's done yet. I figure at that point, it becomes a priority over copying, scanning, and filing. And I also report to someone else, known to be an asshole if things aren't done exactly as he wants them when he wants them. And I haven't done 2 of his reports in a month either. Or pulled a budget for him in 2 weeks. Or done HIS budget...which I have to present on Friday. She doesn't seem to get that I ALSO have to do all of this. And I know some of my expected future duties aren't getting done. But there is only so much time in the day.

So at one point she asks if she can do envelopes. It's like, 2:30. Mail is DONE for the day. He comes at 11 and 2 usually. So even if I got them done today, they aren't going out until 11am. I tell her no. She gets pissy with me. And I know I'm cranky, so I just keep working. I *did* get them done. They are still sitting on my desk. I refuse to take them upstairs until 10 tomorrow. That way whatever I'm given in the morning goes too. Someday, I may even have time to upload everything I've scanned in the last month. Maybe. are probably wondering at this point what this has to do with IE. Not a damn thing. I have nothing to say about IE today. I didn't read any of it. I had an ok day. I'm hungry now, and getting over hungry, but that's because DH is bringing dinner home with him. I did write a novel length email to someone describing the program a little and some things about me and successes and failures and such...but that might be a post for tomorrow. At least, an edited version of it. There are SOME things I keep to myself. Very few...but some.

And now my food is here. And since I JUST said I'm getting over hungry, I'm gonna go eat. Adios.

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