Ok, since I got married, I really haven't watched much football. Hubby isn't a fan, and I usually have other stuff going on. But today, I decided to see if the Virginia Tech game was on. It is...they are playing Miami. HUGE rivalry game, and Tech is at home. I miss Lane Stadium.
But there was just a play where the defender (Miami) drew a pass interference call, and the commentator said something that stuck out to me:
"It's not a bad play. It's not like the penalty is 40 yards. If you know you are beat, take the penalty." (paraphrased...didn't feel like rewinding for the actual words)
Now, at first, I had issues with this. I mean, you are essentially GIVING the other team 4 more chances to score, since the penalty, while not 40 years, is 15 and they get a whole new set of downs...starting 15 years closer to the goal. And I started writing this thinking, why would you WANT to do that? Seriously?
But then, I thought some more and related it to weight loss...yeah, I'm a bit obsessive. What's it to ya?
So, it was highly likely the VT player would have scored had it not been for the interference. He broke away just after, and was alone on the field, with wide open spaces between him and the goal. Basically, the Miami player took what was a sure score, and turned it into 4 more chances to PREVENT that score.
How's this relate to weight loss? Well, there are times you take a hit to give yourself 4 more chances to succeed.
TOUCHDOWN HOKIES! Oh..sorry. They just scored on a blocked punt. I got distracted. 21-0 now.
Anyway...times like when you have no option BUT what someone else has prepared, and you don't really know the points (calories, carbs, fat grams, whatever it is that you count). So, you take the hit and enjoy your dinner. But you give yourself the chance to get right back on the wagon, and back to your goal.
Take hardships in stride, and don't let one meal throw you so far off your goal that you can't recover. Give yourself 4 more chances to succeed.
There's your gem of wisdom and inspiration.
I’m Fine. (A lie.)
5 years ago