I've actually been
I was cut off twice this morning on my 25 mile, 45 minute commute. And I watched an 18 wheeler almost sideswipe 2 cars in 1 shot right in front of me. And of course, I get behind the people that want to do 50 on the interstate EVERY TIME. Luckily, thanks to state-wide furloughs, Friday traffic is light and I managed to make it to work on time.
On the good side, it's Friday. Finally. This week could not end soon enough. I have been so easily distr...oh, look, something shiny. What was I saying? Oh...yeah...week is over. Unfortunately, the DH is putting me to work for the next 2 Saturdays (wo)manning a booth for his store. It's a good cause, and the publicity will be good, as long as people aren't scared away by the cold weather. And by cold, I mean 50's...but this is GA and anything under 65 is considered freezing. Especially in October. So I will be at 2 different Pink Out events for the Breast Cancer Survivors Network with a pink Vespa and all kinds of pink gear. Sadly, DH and I agree that it's not fair for me to try to raise funds for the walk (which benefits Komen) at an event sponsored by a different breast cancer group...but I may try to get some things in place in his store before hand so that anyone that goes to the store can donate. Yeah...I'm like that.
The one main challenge of me doing these 2 events: Saturdays are my gym day. The event is from 10:30 to 3. That doesn't leave me a whole lot of "me" time to hit the gym, since we have to start setting up around 9, and I NEED my coffee beforehand. Oh...I wonder if we'll have an electrical plug? Maybe I'll get some little cups and have hot chocolate going for people, since it'll be so cold! And by people, I mean me, but I'll share. Need to look into that. What was I talking about? Oh, yeah. Going to the gym. See? Told you I was easily distracted this week.
So, to find time for the gym, I either have to get up
Speaking of running, I set my speeds to the lower ones on Wednesday and managed to push through without stopping this time, but I realized that whether I run for 1 minute or 2, my recovery time is about the same--about 2 minutes to catch my breath and not feel like my heart is gonna pound out of my chest. So I'm gonna change it up again. Here's how: Instead of 2 blocks of running for 2 minutes, I'm going to split it into 4 one minute blocks, and shorten my recovery time. Here's why: I can run at 4.5 for 1 minute. I did that on Monday. And my recovery still only took about 2 minutes. So if I continue to add more 1 minute bursts and keep dropping the walking time, I think it will help me more in the long run (get it...long run...I'm running and making my time longer...oh, nevermind).
I did slack on Wednesday, though. This was the start of my feeling crappy days, so 1) I cut my speeds lower than I probably needed to on the walk and 2) I skipped doing the weights entirely. I feel bad about it, but I think I needed a little break. It's not like I skipped the WHOLE thing...just didn't work as hard as I had been. Meh.
1 comment:
speed of 4.5 is really good. Plan on doing the gym with me when I come to visit...it will be good for both of us! In fact, I will donate $5 for each day we hit the gym...how's that for motivation?
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