Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Better late than never, right?

Ok, so I said I was "back" in November. It's now June. BUT...I AM back now. Yup. Been at it about a week-ish. And I can tell you 2 very important things:

1) I have alot of work to do to get back to where I was a year ago when I did IE.


2) Just the fact that I'm trying, I'm already feeling better about myself. Odd how that works. Whoda thunk it, right? Make and effort to improve yourself, and you like yourself more.

Oh...and new shoes help. But I just got those today. Cute peeptoe wedgies. In honor of Kate. Because I'm pretty sure she will be one of 3 people reading this. Maybe 4.

So anyway...the IE thing. I'm reading the book. Again. For the 3rd time. Taking notes this time too (thank you Alyssa, for my fantabulous notebook that you gave me for xmas...it's perfect, and quite appropriate :o) ). I really want to keep up with my progress this time. Progress. Not perfection. That's all I'm looking for.

I'm up to chapter 7...which means I've covered why dieting isn't good for you mentally and physically (As soon as something is prohibited, it is elevated to an overvalued level of specialness, and your body doesn't know that the semi-starvation is self imposed...it just thinks you are starving and compensates), what type of eater I am (all types of the "Unconscious Eater"...I don't even realize I'm doing it half the time), how to reject the diet mentality (see how dieting is bad...and get rid of the scale!) how to honor my hunger (and listen to my body as to when I'm hungry/sated), and finally how to make peace with food (UNCONDITIONAL permission to eat anything I want...more on this later...I'm only halfway through the chapter).

So that's it so far. I've found that when I pay attention to my body, I normally stop before I'm STUFFED...but I am comfortably full. And by eating what I want, I'm not chasing after certain "tastes"...when I would eat 15 things instead of just the 1 that I wanted. I have not yet gotten to the healthy food craving stage. I remember that one from last time...but I'm not there. I will be. I'm also not ready to exercise again yet...much to DH's dismay at the $35 we spend on my gym membership every month. But I do WANT to swim...and the gym has a pool. But I need a bathing suit. My current one is too small. :o( But I don't want to buy one. The shoes made me feel good...that would wreck all the progress I've made in the last week. Which is huge for me. So I put it off.

In other news...well, there isn't really any. I'm boring. Oh...except we got our $400 cat box. They have yet to use it. We still have the old one set up next to it. Hopefully, they take to the new one. Otherwise, I think that would be justifiable murder. Right?

It's time for bed. Welcome back.

1 comment:

just a girl said...

I still get a chuckle over the 400.00 cat box!

sorry work is such a pita...hope the weight loss thing gets you back on track and I look forward to seeing your updates when you get them :)