Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Challenges and goals

The last week or so has been a real struggle for me to stay OP. Aside from PMS, I don't really know why. But really, isn't PMS a good enough reason? I have managed to pull it off, but there was a day or so where I wasn't sure I would. And what really sucks is, I thought I was making ok choices when we were out.

DH and I went shopping on Sunday. When we left the house, we intended to go to Starbucks for breakfast (I know that menu and the points like the back of my hand), but it was already about 11, so we decided instead to go to Honeybaked Ham and get sandwiches. I got a turkey one. Yes, it had bacon, but I didn't expect just the sandwich (no chips, nothing else) to be 14 points. It's TURKEY. I know a Subway 6 inch turkey sandwich with cheese is 7 points. I was thinking it would be no more than 10. Nope. And of course, while I had my netbook with me (habit on the goes in my purse when I leave the house), there was no WiFi anywhere, so I couldn't look it up until we got home.

We did some walking and window shopping. Then decided to see a movie (for the record: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is awesome!)...and share a soda. DH won't do diet, so we shared a large Sprite with lots of ice. Another 3 points down the drain... At the movie, one of the ads was for a restaurant we always see, but had never been to, and we discovered they had Korean food we went for dinner (instead of the planned frozen Chinese food). I had chicken bulgogi. It was very spicy, and came with some rice, potstickers (yum) and fried mushrooms (double yum). Actually, even with the fried stuff, this wasn't bad, had it not been for the sandwich earlier. But the chicken was SO spicy, I INSISTED we go to Coldstone, where I got the FF ice cream, but with Twix.

In total, I was very glad my flex points had reset the day before. And that we did some walking. But this was just another day in a long series where I was struggling for no apparent reason.

I'm pretty much back on track now. I even had room for 5 mini cookies last night, fresh out of the oven. But I really need to see if I can pinpoint the issue, otherwise, I can really see myself caving on the cheeseburger I've been wanting for 3 days now.

One good thing that's happened is that I now have a goal. I mean, I've had a goal weight, but I really don't want to set a specific time to do that in. It just adds pressure, and I like the whole thing about rewarding myself only for what I can control (ie--staying OP), and not for what I can't (ie--losing weight). But we were at Target and saw a really cute dress...that was even on sale. I tried it on, and while I could get it on, it was definitely too tight. Not horribly so, but enough. DH (bless his helpful little heart) says to get it anyway and it can be my goal dress. So we do...and it's hanging in the coat closet where I see it at least weekly when I get my helmet out. But having a goal dress is one thing. Having an occasion where you want to wear it is another. So, I thought of an occasion when I would like to have a pretty new dress: our next Disney trip. That gives me about 3 months to drop probably 1 size. I think that is pretty reasonable.

Especially considering I've lost 8 pounds in about 3 weeks. :o)

1 comment:

Beanie said...

Yay for losing and staying OP!

I have a goal shirt! Too funny.

One question though...why did you share a soda if he won't do diet? Saving your pennies?

Tim teased me like crazy last time we went to the movies. I actually brought apple slices and frozen bluberries so I could have something to snack on, other than Crunch-a-bunch and popcorn!