It's a southern staple at Thanksgiving. Green beans, cream of mushroom soup, and Durkee fried onions. It has been attributed to Dorcas Reilly of the Campbell's Kitchen, but none of the "official" links ever seem to be working. And when searching the Campbell's site for "Dorcas" nothing comes up. And that's when I realized Dorcas is very close to Dorkus...and probably made up.If you can find a WORKING link at Campbell's itself...not Wiki or someone else's blog...please send it along.
Until then, here is where *I* think the nasty shit infamous green bean casserole came from.
(cut to 4 southern women playing bridge while the men are watching football and talking about raking leaves on Thanksgiving Day)
SW1: Has anyone checked the turkey lately?
SW2: No. Perhaps I should do that while refilling my sweet tea?
(SW2 gets up to refill tea, starting with a splash of bourbon, checks turkey, and peeks at the rest of the food)
SW2: Goodness gracious! The green beans are over cooked! With all this starchy food, we simply MUST have a vegetable! Whatever will we do??
SW3: Don't you fret your pretty little head! We will see what we have around the house! There simply MUST be something we can do with them.
(SW3 checks cabinets)
SW3: Well, would you look at that! We have Cream of Mushroom Soup and fake fried onions. We can use the soup to add some flavor since it was all cooked out and use the fake fried onions to replace the crunch that should have been from the beans! No one will know the difference!
And THAT is how green bean casserole REALLY came to be.
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy whatever you choose to eat!
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