Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Screw the Year in Review. Here's your Year in Advance!

Well, look at that. I have a blog. You wouldn't know it from the last time I posted. Sorry. I know you miss my immense humor and wisdom during those boring holidays.

Anyway...I had 2 weeks off work. (Mostly) paid. I went to TX to visit my moms for the first week. Then I went to Disney for the second week. Again. It was the 4th trip for last year.

I need a vacation from my vacation. But I'm back at work today, and actually, I'm not unhappy about this. I get more done here. No tv, cats and bed to distract me.

With the new year comes a renewed sense of fundraising urgency. I have 10 months to raise my other $1663 for the 3 Day. It works out to about $6 per day until the walk. *sigh* Must get to work on planning. I'm emailing Oz Pizza again this week for a March date. Haven't picked out said date yet...but I'm leaning toward a Monday this time instead of Tuesday. I also got an email about Entertainment books, and when I was looking at them, I notice a "Fundraising" link...so I've written to them as well. And sometime in March or April, I'll be cleaning closets and posting requests for "stuff" donations for the May yard sale. I'm attending the Get Started Meeting on the 16th, and will hopefully come out with some more ideas.

On the positive side, I'm getting 2 new team members on Friday! One of my sorority sisters and her friend will be making the trek from VA to GA to walk with me! They are both first-timers, so I'm trying to remember what I can that will help them get started!

On the weight loss front, my friends and I started our Biggest Loser competition a couple weeks ago. I'm up 3 pounds so far. D'oh! But, and it's a big butt...er, but, it could have been MUCH worse. See, Disney is just one big restaurant for DH and I. We go there to eat. And walk around, but really, the food is more important. So I tried to make somewhat reasonable choices. I had ratatouille for the first time ever. It was AWESOME.

Since we got home, I haven't been paying the least bit of attention until, well, today, actually. I just started my new spreadsheet this morning. Yesterday, i got some healthy breakfast stuff at the grocery store (high fiber English muffins and turkey sausage). FYI: Banquet Turkey Sausage and Morningstar "Sausage" are the same number of WW points. And the Banquet ones are half the price, and taste better--and give you less gas than the soy protein. And both are tiny, so that's not a factor. So unless you are ACTUALLY a vegetarian, go for the Banquet ones. They are pre-cooked and frozen. 1 minute in the microwave and done.

So, here is the Year in Advance! A month by month of what you can expect to see here:

January: Lots of fundraising planning, but not much ACTUALLY happening. Meal plans and weight loss...shooting for 10 pounds.

February: More planning. Another Disney trip. Shooting for 12 pounds of weight loss.

March: Oz fundraiser, and something to go with it. Perhaps some kind of raffle? I don't know. Shooting for another 10 pound loss...and getting out of the 200's again.

April: Yard Sale planning and collecting. Standing outside of Walmart or Kroger with a jar. Yet another 10 pound month.

May: Yard Sale time! Standing outside of Walmart or Kroger with a jar again. Training starts officially!! And my last 10 pound month.

June: Planning a 3rd Oz night for around August begins. Training ramps up...but hopefully the heat index doesn't. I go into weight maintenance, as I will hopefully be at or darn close to my goal.

July: More planning. More walking...probably indoors or late at night. More maintaining. Really, it's a boring month.

August: Oz night again! If needed (ie--if I'm more than $500 away from my fundraising minimum), more Kroger and Walmart canning. My birthday is this month, so I will be drowning my sorrows in ice cream, then trying to lose another 5 pounds.

September: Final round of fundraising emails will be sent before the walk. The holidays are coming up soon, so I'll be losing 10 pounds in advance of their arrival, starting now.

October: Final countdown to the 3 day! Packing, preping, etc. But first...back to Disney for some great training walks in the Happiest Place on Earth (as long as you haven't been there 4 days with cranky kids, or a cranky spouse...). Continue the anticipatory 10 pound loss.

November: Still recovering and processing. Registering for 2011 as a crew member so I get to see the "other" side of it (and don't have a fundraising minimum!). Begin anticipated 10 pound holiday gain.

December: Relax and don't stress anything. I have pre-lost my holiday weight, so I can just enjoy without worrying. And finally have a guilt-free fruitcake.

You heard it here first. That's my year. Gonna be a wild ride! I hope you will continue to join me on it!

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