Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy-dancing burns calories

That's right...after last week's gain of half a pound (fully expected...thank you, TOM), I lost THREE POUNDS this week! After the rough start that left me with 12 flex points for 5 days, I managed to rock it the rest of the week...and actually had 10 flex points and 2 activity points left over. Actually, I was having trouble hitting my daily minimum the rest of the week!

One thing I did NOT rock was the gym. I did go twice...Monday and Thursday. Monday was actually pretty good. I did my 24 minutes of walking and 6 of running. No weights, but I'll take the cardio. Thursday...well, that's a different story.

As I was pulling into the parking lot Thursday, I was thinking how much I didn't want to be there. At. All. But, I was there, so I forced myself to go in. On the plus side, I put up a flyer for the Oz Fundraiser (Fairburn, Nov. 17, 4-10pm), which last night a friend messaged me and said she saw it...and it was the ONLY thing on the board that caught her attention. Yay for bright pink paper!

So, anyway...I got changed, filled my water bottle, and got on the treadmill. I took the time to set up my intervals (takes about 2 minutes), and hit start. Started walking. At 3 minutes (30 seconds before the first run), I hit stop. I just was NOT in the mood to deal. I know, I know...push through. But for whatever reason, I couldn't get myself to do it. So I moved onto the elliptical, jsut to see how far I had progressed in my fitness level.

Evidently, I've regressed. The first time I did it (first day I went back to the gym) I did about 2 and a half minutes. minute. ONE. And then my legs were burning. Unbelievable. But, I'd driven all the way there, put on my gym clothes...I wasn't going to leave after 4 minutes (well, 6 if you include set up time). So I punished myself big time. 2 sets of weights, both arms and legs. Honestly, I like doing weights more than cardio anyway (which is why I force myself to do the cardio first...even  if I'm too tired to do the weights afterward). I was sore when I got home, but at least I felt like I had done something.

Of course, I was also supposed to go yesterday when I had half a day, but I spent my time asking people for gift cards to auction off. I got one, and a couple places told me it had to go farther up to their Store manager (who wasn't there at the time) or to their corporate office. Eh...if they come through, GREAT. If not, I asked. Everyone at least seemed receptive.

Well, everyone but Edible Arrangements...but hey. I was in there to get a free thing in the first place. Can't really blame him for not wanting to give me MORE free stuff. I understood. And before you ask...the free thing I was picking up expired the Saturday after the Oz Fundraiser, so would only have given the winner about 4 days to use it, which I didn't think was fair.

Besides...I like chocolate dipped fruit--especially apples. Hint, hint.

Oh, and tomorrow is Day 60. 2 full months of WW. 13 pounds lost so far. If that ain't motivation in itself, I don't know what is.

Now...back to my regularly scheduled Cafe Misto before The Avenues Pink Out in Peachtree City.

1 comment:

Beanie said...

Keep it up!

The more you recognize when you totally screw the pooch, the less of a chance you'll do it next time!

You can do this!