Thursday, October 1, 2009

Save Second Base!

Ok, I wish I was creative enough to say I came up with the title, but I'm not. I stole it from a team when I did the Breast Cancer 3 Day in 2007. I'm stealing it now because I'm walking again!

So...right from the start, I'm gonna ask for your money. I need to raise $2300 by next October. Every little bit adds up. Thank you in advance.

I also need other fundraising ideas, because, lets face it, my 8 readers aren't rich enough to support me. Tell your friends. I'm funny. Really, I am.

I am thinking of doing a yard sale, probably in May of next year...and for those that have stuff to get rid of, but no cold hard cash, this is a great way to help out! I'm also gonna talk to DH's boss about the company sponsoring me...or working out a deal to raffle an inexpensive scooter. We'll see what he'll agree to...if anything.

I'm also going to start training early. If our numerous Disney trips have told me anything, it's that my daily walking limit is about 6 miles a day right now. I need to more than triple that. And me being the procrastinator I am, I really need to start now, because if I wait, then I'm going to be waiting to put it off...and not do anything.

And most ChaCha Slide for 2 months before the walk. Especially not in flip flops.

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