Thursday, December 10, 2009

Renewed energy

It's amazing what a good colon flush will do. Oh...and in case you were worried and missed the news, colonoscopy was clear for polyps and cancer, but I have diverticulosis. When he told me this, my first thought was "Shit, that means no more Big Macs because of the seeds on the bun!" But I did some reading, and diverticulosis is just the pockets in the colon wall, and the newest treatments don't forbid nuts and seeds...just recommend a very high fiber diet. If it turns into diverticulitis (where it gets infected and inflamed), THEN I may have to give up the Big Macs, but only about 10-20% of people with diverticulosis develop diverticulitis.

Anyway. enough about my sparkly clean colon. Actually, this is about weight loss. And while I'm not going to start again until after the 1st, I *do* have renewed energy for that. Watching the Biggest Loser season finale has made me want to start a I am. Because I do what I want and no one can tell me otherwise. Hence my weight problem (actually, this is only part of the reason, but it IS part of it--more on that later).

Here's the challenge: Get a group of friends with no specific connections, but we all want to lose weight. Break into teams, and see who can lose the most! That's it. So far, there are about 6 of us, I think? I guess that means the teams are out...we skip right to individual competition. And I doubt we will do eliminations, because I'd rather all of us stick it out to the end and lose as much as possible. Unless we have an At-Home winner...which is pointless, because we are all "at-home" already. Oh...and we certainly won't have a quarter of a million dollar prize, because none of us are rich. In fact, right now, there is no prize. Anyone out there on the interwebs that cares to rectify that, let me know. Competing for bragging rights is nice. Competing for stuff is better. ;o)

And just so my competition knows what they are up against, I'm gonna lay out my plan, here and now. *insert determined face here*

-30 minutes a day of a work out DVD, EVERYDAY. Sorry, DH and furbabies, but unless you want to do it with me, this means I go in the guest room, close the door, and work out. You will just have to suffer without me.
-3 days a week, we will add a 3 mile walk to that. Again, sorry, DH, but stuff needs to change, and we can't live our life in front of the TV. Come with me if you want to spend time together.
-Follow WW points. I did 75 days straight, I can do it again. And again. And again. I already know I have a few challenging days in there (Disney trip), but I did it once, so it's possible.

Since it's a competition, and I want to be fair, I will forgo the alli. Not everyone is ABLE to take it, much less willing (though, really, I have never had any of the major "treatment effects" listed), so it wouldn't be right for me to do that. This contest is about weight loss, but it's also about doing it, exercise, and confronting demons.

Speaking of which, I mentioned that part of my problem was that I do what I want. This is something I learned about myself from reading IE. While I don't follow the principles much anymore, it was good for some self reflection. There are many times where my way of pushing back is to do the opposite of what someone tells me to do. So if someone says "You really should get some exercise," I tell myself "Fuck you. I'm not doing that because you want me to," even when in reality, I probably would have done at least SOMETHING. Same goes for food. "You should eat this apple," turns into "Screw that! I'm going to eat this whole package of cookies instead!" So yeah, I have issues. I recognize them. I just don't know how to change them. Which brings me to my last part of my plan: counseling. Actually, I'm still a little iffy about this part, but it has crossed my mind, and the time might be right to do it. Obviously, I've lost the weight before. The fact that I have regained it says that there is a problem somewhere that needs to be addressed.

I imagine there will be lots of tears over the next 5-6 months. Hopefully, at least a few are from my fellow competitors when I blow them out of the water. :o)

Friday, December 4, 2009

'Tis the season for colon cleansing and shopping.

Any medical procedure where you purposely give yourself diarrhea is stupid.Made even more so by the fact that all I can eat on Sunday will be jello, gatorade, sprite and broth. For anyone that knows me, when I don't eat, I'm a bitch. Well, I'm a bitch anyway, but take away my food, and it's worse.

I have come to that time in my life where I had to insist on a colonoscopy. Yes, I know I'm still considered young for getting one. Welcome to what I like to call my gene cess-pool. Both my grandfather and uncle were diagnosed with colon cancer at 33. One of my cousins had pre-cancerous polyps at 25-ish. So yeah, I'm not playing around. Monday, I go in for the test. I don't expect any issues or anything, but I wanted to get it done and over with. 90% of the people that I tell this to think I'm insane. I probably am. But when it comes to colon cancer, I don't play around.

That's really all that has been going on for the last week or so. We had Thanksgiving...where people don't know when it's time to leave, then I've been back at work and super busy. I have 2 more weeks before my Christmas break at work, then I'm heading to TX (I think...this *could* change based on some recent developments) for the first week of the break, and Disney for the 2nd week. Very excited, a little stressed.

All of my Oz Fundraiser donations have posted and I have 28% of my fundraising done! I was just given another donation yesterday that needs to be submitted as well. Plus, I'm about to submit all the Tastefully Simple orders ( thanks to my consultant), which should give me about an extra $1 or 2. Honestly, I'm regretting that whole thing. The consultant has been less than interested, and I'm doing more work than I would have if I had just signed up as a consultant again myself. But, such is life and lesson learned. I'll close out the party this weekend and be done with it.

I did set up a "shopping club" account thing. I got the idea from another walker. It's not working quite like I thought it would, but if people are willing (and remember to go through there), it could make a few extra bucks toward my goal. And $5 here and there add up! Here are the deets:

Click here. Once you get to the site, create a free account. It should list me as the referrer (I think it assigns a number, so just leave whatever number is in there). Browse the list of stores, and when you find one, click on it. It will pop up a message, and then open a new tab/window for your store. Shop til you drop, and you will get the stated percentage back from your purchases...and my account will get half of that to be used as a donation! They have an actual "for Charities" account, but that one costs about $30, so while I'm considering setting it up, I haven't decided yet. We'll see how things go. But this is a great way to do the last of your Christmas shopping! It costs you nothing extra to set it up...and YOU will get cash back as well! It's really win-win.

With the craziness of the next few weeks, I'm not sure how much I'll be posting, but I'm sure I will a few times. In case you miss it, though...Merry Christmas and a Fantabulous New Year!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Origin of the infamous Green Bean Casserole

It's a southern staple at Thanksgiving. Green beans, cream of mushroom soup, and Durkee fried onions. It has been attributed to Dorcas Reilly of the Campbell's Kitchen, but none of the "official" links ever seem to be working. And when searching the Campbell's site for "Dorcas" nothing comes up. And that's when I realized Dorcas is very close to Dorkus...and probably made up.If you can find a WORKING link at Campbell's itself...not Wiki or someone else's blog...please send it along.

Until then, here is where *I* think the nasty shit infamous green bean casserole came from.

(cut to 4 southern women playing bridge while the men are watching football and talking about raking leaves on Thanksgiving Day)

SW1: Has anyone checked the turkey lately?

SW2: No. Perhaps I should do that while refilling my sweet tea?

(SW2 gets up to refill tea, starting with a splash of bourbon, checks turkey, and peeks at the rest of the food)

SW2: Goodness gracious! The green beans are over cooked! With all this starchy food, we simply MUST have a vegetable! Whatever will we do??

SW3: Don't you fret your pretty little head! We will see what we have around the house! There simply MUST be something we can do with them.

(SW3 checks cabinets)

SW3: Well, would you look at that! We have Cream of Mushroom Soup and fake fried onions. We can use the soup to add some flavor since it was all cooked out and use the fake fried onions to replace the crunch that should have been from the beans! No one will know the difference!

And THAT is how green bean casserole REALLY came to be.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy whatever you choose to eat!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Break time!

Phew! What a week!

2 of my 3 favorite aunts came to visit last weekend. They flew in from DC on Wednesday and stayed until Sunday. We shopped, shopped some more, and ate. I have been off WW for exactly 7 days, though I have made a FEW good choices in there. I don't entirely blame them...TOM was also in town, and so I just basically took the week off. WI day is Saturday, so I will be hopping back on the wagon then. I'm not entirely unhappy about this...I think I needed the mental break with everything going on.

Before they arrived, however, we had some effects of the hurricane...rain and some wind. Unfortunately, some of that rain made its way into our house on Tueday...the night before visitors and 3 nights before our housewarming party. STRESS! Luckily, it wasn't major damage, but it was still frustrating. The insurance adjuster came out yesterday to check things out. No storm damage to the roof, but when they built the house, the morons didn't fill their toe-board holes. *Sigh* Looks like DH will be climbing up there to do it, since the insurance won't cover THAT little gem...but they will cover the inside damage. Waiting on final numbers now, but really not so optimistic that it will be worth it.

Housewarming was Friday night. Went reasonably well, with a few stressors, but most seemed to have a good time and everyone liked the house. Got a few Tastefully Simple orders, and waiting until payday for a few more. Right now, it looks like that will be a $15-20 donation. Every little bit helps!

After the housewarming, it was time to focus all of my energy on Oz...and that was a GREAT night! We ended up with about 29 people that came out, including 3 awesome women that go to the same gym I do. I had put up a flyer there, and they skipped their spin class to support the walk. We talked for quite awhile, and I hope that they will consider walking with me this year. They said they had been considering it for awhile. I'll work on them some more. :o) They asked me to make sure I tell them when I do another event and they will bring more people. Not a huge number of bidders in the silent auction, but those that did really were awesome. In total for the night, including the 20% from Oz, the silent auction bids and a few extra donations I received, it was a $350 night! It was mostly checks, so it's not showing up on my link just yet (they take 4 weeks to post), but I'm THRILLED! I had hoped for $500, but I knew it was a long shot. I still have 1 item that didn't get any bids...probably my own fault. The Rack Room gift card thing (free pair of shoes up to $50) came in an envelope...and I didn't pull it out to show it. I was in a hurry and got sidetracked. Such is life, and now I have a head start on my next auction/raffle.

The one disappointment is that someone stole part of the Rita's bucket. :o( It had the bucket with a letter to get a free gallon of water ice, and 2 coupons for free regular size ices. Some jerkwad took the 2 coupons out. I was sitting where I could keep an eye on things, because I was afraid the Taco Mac GC would "walk away"...but I never saw anyone by the table, except for one family with 3 kids that were in teh booth that was next to it. I am guessing one of the kids took them. Upsetting, yes. Frustrating, very. End of the world, no. I think I'll donate $10 to myself and drown my sorrows in a bucket of Black Cherry Italian ice.

I have a test this week in my math class. Thank god the semester is almost over. Finals are the week of Dec. 8, so only 1 more week of class. I'm HATING this whole thing and really leaning toward saying screw it and just not taking any more classes. I have never wanted my masters. Hell, I never really wanted a bachelors, but my mom made me start, and when I tried to quit in my Junior year, I realized you can get a much better job with a degree, so I went back and finished. I'm only doing this now because it's free. And really, who am I to pass up a bargain like that? But it's really not free. I have to pay for books, and I'll have to pay for the GMATs at some point, and there is the time...the most expensive part. Maybe it's just this semester with the required 3 hours of lab time that makes no sense to me. Why force me to do my homework on YOUR schedule? So I'm hoping next semester is night a week of class, and no lab requirements. I can do my homework when and where I choose. Of course, I'm taking Econ, which I hate, so it may still be a struggle to find motivation.

And finally, I was going to take a break from my hard-core fundraising until after the first of the year. I'm tired, and the holidays are hard as it is, people are asking for money left and right this time of year. But then I got the idea for a Poker now I'm emailing people to get info about hosting one. Granted, it still won't be until after the first (in fact, I'm looking at March or April), but it means kicking some planning into gear again already! My preliminary thoughts are to have a ticketed event at a restaurant that will also donate a portion of sales (like Oz did...perhaps even AT Oz, because they said I was welcome to come back as often as I wanted!). I'm leaning toward $10 tickets, and prizes for the top 3 finishers...perhaps cash (taken from the ticket sales) or donated items, depending on what I can get. Since GA doesn't allow buy-ins, that's where the tickets come into play. But I'm not sure about details, so I've emailed one place that specializes in poker fundraisers and one place locally that hosts poker nights at restaurants to see what they can give me. As plans develop, I will update. Right now, it's mostly an idea in the info-gathering stages.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I feel helpless.

I get to work this morning, and am checking my emails. I have one from one of my friends. I open it and my heart sinks.

She needs info on breast cancer because her best friend was just diagnosed.

She came to me because she knew I was doing the 3 Day. I hope I gave her enough. We live in different states, so what is available here may or may not be where she is, so my first thought was for her to call her local Komen office. They can give her the best and closest resources. I hope that I didn't make her feel like I was blowing her off. This was very much NOT my intention. I just wanted to let her get the fastest and most reliable information possible with the fewest steps between A and B...and me chit-chatting and giving all kinds of links that may or may not be appropriate wasn't going to help her get what she needed at the time.

But also, when I opened that email, I realized that THIS is why I walk. I have been very lucky. I did have a "scare" of sorts, but it was 6 months after a breast reduction, so while we acted quickly anyway, everyone (me, the doctors, the surgeon, family) were all fairly certain it was just scar tissue creating a lump. I had the lump removed, and it was in fact, scar tissue. There were still a few scary times in there, though. The "what-ifs" crept in.

Based on the age of my friend, I'm assuming her friend is also close to my age. It's scary to think that this could happen to someone in their 30's. It used to be you heard about it mostly in older women. When I was at the Pink Out events, there was a woman there...27. She was diagnosed and treated while pregnant. I can't fathom. Breast cancer is hitting younger and younger.

I will do everything I can so no one has to send an email like my friend did this morning. 60 miles is nothing compared to what these women and men (yes, men can get breast cancer) go through.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My head is spinning, but not in the fun, drunk kind of way

What a week! I feel like I haven't accomplished much, and yet, have gotten a lot done. Unfortunately, the to-do list keeps growing, which is probably why I feel like I'm not making any progress.

I managed to get a few more donations for Silent Auction items. I'll do the official list later today when I pick them up and can take pictures of a couple of them, but look for a Gift Bucket from Rita's Water Ice (YUM!!), a gift card from Rack Room Shoes and a Valencia coffee maker, that brews directly into 2 travel mugs. I still have a stop to make at Walmart, so cross your fingers, though I'm not hugely optimistic right now that it can be done in time. Books-a-Million also sounded promising when I was talking to the manager, but when I looked at their website, it said they needed 6 weeks lead time, and that donations couldn't be auctioned off or I didn't submit it.

Picked up a second gallon of paint for the dining room yesterday, too. We'll be painting either tonight or tomorrow. Most of today (after these morning errands when I finish my Venti Bold Non-Fat Cafe Misto with Sugar Free Caramel syrup) I'll be putting the guest rooms in order. One still has our last few straggling boxes that haven't been unpacked, and the other just needs some tidying up. The cats were feeling zen and a rock in the small zen garden was messing with their feng-shui, so they took it out. Honestly, I'm surprised that's all they did and I don't have sand everywhere.

This week I still need to get the rest of the food for the housewarming party. I'm also in a baking mood, completely unrelated, so I may make some flourless peanut butter cookies and maybe even some Heath Bark (that's not baking...but it's in the kitchen. It counts).Sadly, I will probably eat at least some of everything I make.

I entered a new "decade" today with my half pound loss, bringing my total to 15 pounds! I've been very cyclical with my losses. Before I even checked the calender, I knew it was almost time for TOM to rear his ugly head again. Those are the weeks I lose .5. I have been slacking on the workouts still, unfortunately. I did my first real-world (not on a treadmill) on Monday, and my knees have been KILLING me ever since. Just normal walking is painful. So I think the C25K is going to be abandoned and I'll just start walking instead. It's still really early for my training, but it's not like that will hurt anything. I may give C25K another shot after I lose some more weight. I'm thinking the extra that I carry around doesn't help matters.

I also spent most of the week feeling like I'm coming down with a sinus something. I've managed to skip it for the last 2 years or so, but it's catching up to me. So far, I'm just a little stuffy, and some occasional coughing and sneezing. I'm trying to fend it off with extra rest. Or just passing out on the couch at 9pm like I did last night.

Well, time to get moving and pick up these prizes! I'll update the original post later on today!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3 Day Summary to date!

I realized I have a bunch of stuff going on for the 3 Day, but it's all spread out every which way. In an effort to consolidate, here is what I have going on so far:

Goal: $2500
To Date: $200
Remaining: $2300

Ways to donate:
Directly to my 3 Day page 
Purchase Scooting Toward a Cure item
Bid on Silent Auction items
Purchase Tastefully Simple products (enter Lillian Winfrey as the host, otherwise it won't count)
Come to Oz Pizza in Fairburn on Nov. 17 between 4pm and 10pm and dine in.
Tell your friends--even if you can't, someone else might!

I just sent out an email "blast" earlier today from my 3 Day participant center. If you didn't get one, I don't have your email. If you want one, shoot me a message. Comments are moderated, so you can leave your address in a comment, and I won't post it, but will send the note on to you.

I'm still plugging along at the C25K. I had a hectic week last week, so I wasn't able to get my workouts in, but I started up again last night. I used Nicole's 1.1 podcast, and it was great. Even when I didn't want to run anymore, the music was so good, I had to! I did skip 2 of the 8 running segments (1 minute each), but that puts me back where I was 2 weeks ago when I last did it anyway...and I'm ok with repeating a week. Unfortunately, this was my first run "on the streets" (as opposed to a treadmill) and I'm feeling it in my knees today. Considering a walk after work to try to loosen them up some, but weighing that against just resting them for tomorrow's run. Oh, and my reflective vest that I won at a Scooter/Motorcycle event awhile back? sucks. Big time. It wouldn't stay strapped down (D ring style side things). That is being added to the list. I spent more time messing with it than enjoying the nice cold weather that made it so I didn't have sweat dripping in my eyes.

I'm starting a shopping/Christmas list. So far, here it is:
-sleeping bag--mine is a junior size. I'm not.
-sport water bottle with a straw--I have the Camelback back pack thing, but the lack of ice available last time made for some NASTY drinking, so I'm going smaller this time.
-some sort of inflatable mattress (I have heard pool floats work well!)
-Eddie Bauer hiking fanny pack with a spot for water bottle. All good reviews from other walkers.
-Reflective running tops--see above.

That's it so far. I'm sure the list will grow exponentially between now and October.

I'm still looking to do some "canning" (stand outside Walmart or Kroger and collect donations) and I have a pretty nice banner I got and some silicon rings (instead of bracelets) that will be given out for donations, but I haven't found the time to do this yet. Well, that, and the Kroger Manager hasn't responded to me yet about the 3 dates I asked for there. But choosing dates right now is tough with all of the above going on.

Oh, and the radio spot that was supposed to air? Still hasn't, but I was up early this past Sunday (stupid time change) and so I tuned in. They did a spot on Tutus for Tatas, who Adam had told me when I was there that he had I'm thinking they are just a couple weeks behind and mine might still be in the works. I have every intention of listening for it and recording it to be posted everywhere!

I think that covers everything I've got so far. I'm hoping for some great news from the email blast over the next few days!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Shut up and let me go...HEY!

Every time I think of iPods, I think of that stupid song in the commercials. God I hate that song...which is probably why DH stuck it on ours. Just to annoy the crap out of me. Oddly enough, though, I can tolerate it at the gym. Tolerate. Not like.

Today, I set up a 2nd workout playlist, and added Nicole's C25K podcasts. I'll be giving hers a shot tonight, because they have the convenient little cues about when to switch...and I won't be at the gym where I can just set the treadmill, or even just keep an eye on the timer right in front of me instead of my watch that requires thought and math...two things I can't do while running.

So it got me to thinking: What's on your workout playlist? Here are my 2 standards:

For a 1 hour workout (this is the new one I just did--haven't tried it out yet):

Stronger-Kanye West
What a Way to Want to Be- Shania Twain
Let's Go Crazy- Prince
Dirty Little Secret- All American Rejects
Eye of the Tiger- Survivor (I'm a child of the 80's, what can I say!)
Girl All the Bad Guys Want- Bowling for Soup
Headstrong- Trapt
American Badass- Kid Rock
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous- Good Charlotte
My Sharona- The Knack
Nothin' But a Good Time- Poison
One Way or Another- Blondie
Same Ol' Song- Sev
This is How a Heart Breaks- Rob Thomas
U+Ur Hand- Pink

And for a slightly shorter workout of 45 minutes, we have:

American Girls- Tom Petty
Born to Run- Bruce Springsteen
Harder to Breathe- Maroon 5
1985- Bowling for Soup
Should I Stay or Should I go Now- The Clash
Part of Me- Linkin Park
Let's Get Rocked- Def Leppard
The Anthem- Good Charlotte
Cold Hard Bitch- Jet
The Middle- Jimmy Eat World
Somebody Told Me- The Killers
Summer of '69- Me First and the Gimme Gimmes (cover of Bryan Adams)
Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)- Motley Crue

As you can tell, I'm a little eclectic on my music preferences. I tend toward rock/heavy metal, but mostly of the 80's variety. The bigger the hair, the better. But I'll throw in a little country now and then (crossover country...not serious twang where the singer loses his dog, his house, his truck and his wife...), some rap from time to time (again, mostly the 80's and 90's variety), and some newer stuff if I catch it or someone recommends it. I like my workout music to make me WANT to run...even if I'm not planning to. It's gotta be up-tempo. Kills me to have ballads come on sometimes if I'm just using the "everything" option.

On this same topic of workout music, I'm actually WANTING to get back to running. I haven't in about a week and a half. Time has been really short for me lately. Last Monday I found out I had a test that week...and I still had homework to get done, plus study, and everything else we needed to get done. The last 3 Saturdays have been spent doing PR stuff for DH's store. And Sunday's have been cleaning, getting ready for visitors and the housewarming...and just RELAXING! We did take one Sunday and not even pick our asses off the couch. It was needed. But now, I'm ready to start again. And that still surprises me, because I have never been one to want to exercise much less RUN. Actually, that's not entirely true. I have wanted to exercise before. Whenever I do WW and I'm low on points, I want to exercise so I can eat more. But now I actually want to exercise...and don't really care about the extra food that comes with it (though, I'm sure later this week I will, after using 17 flex points on Saturday drinking my Blavod).

So, if you see the fat chick running in the 'hood tonight, try not to laugh too hard run me over. At least I'm trying.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Free the Hostage!

Something near and dear to me has been TAKEN and held hostage for six months. But on Sunday, it will finally be returned. I'm so excited!

Sunday, we Fall Back, and I get my hour of sleep back!

But what I don't understand is why we still use the antiquated Daylight Saving Time practice? A study has shown that we actually use MORE energy than if we left well enough alone. Basically, what is now saved on lighting because of the extended daylight hours is now spent on heating and cooling...and then some. And this makes sense--you are awake longer, so you want to be comfortable while you are awake. So WHY do we still torture ourselves every six months? Just when our bodies finally get adjusted to the new time, we have an hour ripped out from under our cute little sleeping heads, only to be shoved back violently another six months later.

Most of us no longer need the extra hour of daylight for harvesting and tending our crops. We have porch lights for that. And those that do, well, why can't they just get up an hour earlier instead of forcing ALL of the US (ok...most. I think there might still be a county or 2 that doesn't participate) to adapt because of the needs of a few? I'll be the first to tell you life isn't fair, but to punish the majority for the lifestyle choice (farming as a profession is a choice...even if that choice was made for you by your family) is not what this country is founded on.

Besides...isn't the Obama Administration looking to reduce our carbon footprints and other green crunchy shit like that? How does making us use more energy fit with THAT concept?

So, I propose we end the charade. Stop making people late for church and work one Sunday a year, and an hour early another Sunday a year. Contrary to the beliefs of some, this does not balance out. The six months in between events negates any balancing that would otherwise have been acceptable.

FREE THE HOSTAGE! Let's start a petition to end Daylight Saving Time...after we get our hour back on Sunday, Nov. 1. Please sign below.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Where has the time gone? I swear, just yesterday, it was August and DH and I were looking forward to our trip to Disney. Now, it's almost NOVEMBER! O. M. G.

I was in a meeting yesterday, and it was pointed out that our holiday break (2 weeks off for Christmas, starting the Monday before) is 7 weeks away. SEVEN. 49 days. I only have about 5 actual weeks of class left (none the week of Thanksgiving). And my aunts are coming to visit in 2 weeks...then the Oz fundraiser is the next week. O. M. G. I need a paper bag to breathe into.

Stuff that has been accomplished:

-E-vites were FINALLY sent for the housewarming/Tastefully Simple party. I know I missed a few, and I'm gonna try to get those out today. If I *still* forget you, I'm sorry, just beat me over the head and show up anyway.

-DH was AWESOME again and sent out e-vites to everyone he knows for Oz. 250-something people. Right now, there are 5 yes's...but hey, I'm good with that.

-Halloween candy has been bought...and not all eaten. We may or may not have time to set up the "graveyard," but the Mickey lights went up awhile ago. We will buy all kinds of stuff on clearance Nov. 1. I refuse to spend that kind of money now.

-Christmas presents are just about finished. We have a couple straggling things that we need, but the majority are done. We even talked about wrapping them...but haven't. Yet.

Things still to be done:

-Cleaning. Lots of it. Well, actually, it's folding clothes. We currently use the guest bed as a dumping ground for clean clothes...but we need that bed, so that means we are going to have to actually fold them.

-2nd coat of paint in the dining room. Yes, it is *passable* now...with the light off, and the sun down. But it needs to be done.

-Procuring some extra chairs. 'Nuff said.

-Getting more Silent Auction items. I have a few (like, 5). I'd like a few more. And some bids. Bids would be very good. Seriously. Click the link and bid. I'm not kidding.

-Getting a menu together for the housewarming. And shopping for everything.

-Running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Yeah...that's on the to-do list. It should cover everything else I know I'm forgetting.

-Get a pedicure. This was my 60 day reward. I made it! As much as I have been struggling lately, I'm going to enjoy this reward. Plus, it's close to the last one I'll be able to get before the walk, since callouses help prevent blisters.

Ok...that's about it for the list. There is also work and class stuff that needs to be done, but I can't think about that or I'll need to find that paper bag again. I'm actually looking forward to Thanksgiving...I get a 5 day vacation and we have NOTHING going on...and I refuse to plan something after the 2 weeks before that!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy-dancing burns calories

That's right...after last week's gain of half a pound (fully expected...thank you, TOM), I lost THREE POUNDS this week! After the rough start that left me with 12 flex points for 5 days, I managed to rock it the rest of the week...and actually had 10 flex points and 2 activity points left over. Actually, I was having trouble hitting my daily minimum the rest of the week!

One thing I did NOT rock was the gym. I did go twice...Monday and Thursday. Monday was actually pretty good. I did my 24 minutes of walking and 6 of running. No weights, but I'll take the cardio. Thursday...well, that's a different story.

As I was pulling into the parking lot Thursday, I was thinking how much I didn't want to be there. At. All. But, I was there, so I forced myself to go in. On the plus side, I put up a flyer for the Oz Fundraiser (Fairburn, Nov. 17, 4-10pm), which last night a friend messaged me and said she saw it...and it was the ONLY thing on the board that caught her attention. Yay for bright pink paper!

So, anyway...I got changed, filled my water bottle, and got on the treadmill. I took the time to set up my intervals (takes about 2 minutes), and hit start. Started walking. At 3 minutes (30 seconds before the first run), I hit stop. I just was NOT in the mood to deal. I know, I know...push through. But for whatever reason, I couldn't get myself to do it. So I moved onto the elliptical, jsut to see how far I had progressed in my fitness level.

Evidently, I've regressed. The first time I did it (first day I went back to the gym) I did about 2 and a half minutes. minute. ONE. And then my legs were burning. Unbelievable. But, I'd driven all the way there, put on my gym clothes...I wasn't going to leave after 4 minutes (well, 6 if you include set up time). So I punished myself big time. 2 sets of weights, both arms and legs. Honestly, I like doing weights more than cardio anyway (which is why I force myself to do the cardio first...even  if I'm too tired to do the weights afterward). I was sore when I got home, but at least I felt like I had done something.

Of course, I was also supposed to go yesterday when I had half a day, but I spent my time asking people for gift cards to auction off. I got one, and a couple places told me it had to go farther up to their Store manager (who wasn't there at the time) or to their corporate office. Eh...if they come through, GREAT. If not, I asked. Everyone at least seemed receptive.

Well, everyone but Edible Arrangements...but hey. I was in there to get a free thing in the first place. Can't really blame him for not wanting to give me MORE free stuff. I understood. And before you ask...the free thing I was picking up expired the Saturday after the Oz Fundraiser, so would only have given the winner about 4 days to use it, which I didn't think was fair.

Besides...I like chocolate dipped fruit--especially apples. Hint, hint.

Oh, and tomorrow is Day 60. 2 full months of WW. 13 pounds lost so far. If that ain't motivation in itself, I don't know what is.

Now...back to my regularly scheduled Cafe Misto before The Avenues Pink Out in Peachtree City.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Silent Auction Items and Rules!

Thanks to some absolutely fan-freaking-tastic people, I'm able to add a Silent Auction to the Oz Pizza Fundraiser (Fairburn, November 17, 4-10pm). I'm going to use THIS post to list all the items, which hopefully, I will get a few more...I've got some calls in, and I'm going to keep asking. But what we already have is AWESOME too!

First, the Official Rules....made official because I said so.

1) You can bid on the same item as many times as you'd like until the deadline. If you think someone has outbid you, BID MORE!

2) You can bid on (and win) as many items as you would like.

3) Upon notification, winning bidder will have 7 days to pay for their item or contact me to make other arrangements. On the 8th day, if I have not heard from the winner, the 2nd highest bidder will be notified that THEY have now won. IF THERE IS A REASON FOR THE DELAY, we can work something out, but you MUST let me know. 

4) When placing your bid, please include: Name, email, Phone Number, which item you are bidding on and how much you are willing to pay for that item. All bids will remain hidden until 9pm on November 17, when the winners will be announced at Oz Pizza. You do not have to be present to win. I will notify you by phone if you do.

5) Online bids will be accepted until 2:30pm on November 17th. After that time, you can bid in person at Oz until 8:45pm when bidding will close to tally the winners.

6) Have FUN!

Now for the fun part! Here are the items you can bid on:

--Gift Bucket from Rita's Italian Ice. Includes 2 coupons for a regular Italian ice, a letter to be returned with the bucket for a gallon of ice and some miscellaneous swag. Approx. value: $15.Courtesy of Rita's Italian Ice in Peachtree City, GA

--$20 Gift Certificate to Tyrone's Boxcar Cafe, located in Tyrone, GA. Courtesy of Carlia Blanchard, Owner

--2 Tickets to Callaway Gardens, located in Pine Mountain, GA. Value: $30 Courtesy of Lillian Winfrey

--$50 Gift Card to Taco Mac, various locations. Courtesy of  Tappan Street Restaurant Group, Inc

--Free pair of shoes up to $50 at Rack Room Shoes, various locations. Courtesy of Rack Room Shoes, The Avenues in Peachtree City, GA

--Valencia 2 cup Coffee Maker. Value: $50 Courtesy of Mike Winfrey

--2 night stay for up to 6 people at Apple Mountain Resort in Clarkesville, GA. Value: approx. $300 Courtesy of Marc Johnson. *Note: You will need to contact Marc to make your travel arrangements as this is part of his timeshare that he is donating. It's available any time, but weeknights are easier to book than weekends. If you would like more information before bidding, email me, and I will get your questions answered.

To place bids, email me and put "Silent Auction Bid" in your subject line, along with which item it's for. Good luck and have fun!

And a special thank you to each of our donors! We couldn't do this without you!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kicking it into high-gear!

Lots of updates, and some pats on the back coming.

First, I have officially set myself up as a team for the 3 Day. It will be open for others to join, but since I had ordered a banner (picture coming soon) with "Scooting Toward a Cure," I figured that would make a good team I called and added it.

Next, we have our first confirmed fundraiser set up. You might ask who "we"'s not the royal we. DH is being incredibly supportive this time around. I think he wants to help me raise as much as possible so I don't have to ask his boss for donations. But whatever his reason, I'll take it. He is helping with the advertising, and is still great about fixing dinner on the nights I go to the gym. *first pat on the back of this post goes to DH* Anyway: we will be at Oz Pizza in Fairburn, GA on Tuesday, November 17, 2009. If you show up anytime between 4pm and 10pm, and mention the breast cancer fundraiser when you place your dine in order (sorry...that's their rules--no takeout), 20% of the cost of your order will be donated. I need at least 20 orders placed to get credit...but I'm hoping for a lot more! We've already spoken to our weekly Bike Night dinner group leader and asked if that week can be there...he said no problem, just send a reminder about a week before and he will send it out. We are also going to send it to our scooter ride group, and I have it listed on the Facebook Fan page...and I'm about to work up a flyer that I'm hoping to leave at different places...which leads me to our next update...

I just typed up a letter to the manager at my local Kroger where I ask for either a) a donation directly from Kroger or b) to be allowed to set up a table to collect donations and hand out flyers...which will be the aforementioned flyers about the Oz fundraiser. I asked for one of 3 dates: Nov. 1, 6 or 8. The 1st and 8th are Sundays, the 6th is a Friday that I have half a day (see? Furloughs do serve SOME purpose!). I sent a similar email to World Gym in Peachtree City, where I do my training, on Friday, but didn't ask for specific dates on that one. For these events, I got my fabulous (and even better because it's pretty high quality and was only $8) banner that says "Scooting Toward a Cure in the Breast Cancer 3 Day" and I should be receiving the silicone rings that I ordered as inexpensive "Thank you for your donation" gifts. At $0.42 each, a $1 donation covers those, with profit...and I think people are more likely to donate if they are getting something...even something small.

I have also discovered that Chili's also does fundraising events similar to the one I'm doing at I will probably have one there sometime early next year. And I'm going to check with a Bike Night favorite, Taco Mac, and see if they will do one as well. I mean, hey, we are going out anyway...might as well have some of it go to a cause, right?

We still have the housewarming/Tastefully Simple/fundraiser planned as well, but I haven't heard from my consultant lately, so I need to check on the details there. What she and I had discussed was that for all orders placed, she would donate 50% of her commission, which works out to around 15% of total orders. Unfortunately, she will be out of town the night I had picked, but since I used to be a consultant and had worked with her a bit before, we talked about a "Party To-Go," which basically means she gives me the Party Food Kit, I make it and serve it at the party, and take orders, but there is no presentation to go with it. It's like a catalog party but with yumminess. I was hoping to get the e-vites out this week with a link online for those that can't make it but still want to order. I may have to resort to my own e-vites, though.

So that's what? 2 fully booked fund raisers, 2 in the works, and another 2 ideas in addition to my yard sale idea which I'm tentatively scheduling for May (get those closets cleaned out! I'll be asking for "stuff" donations for that one!). Not too bad! I'm hoping to get at least $100 from each event...and $200+ would be AWESOMENESS! So help me out and spread the word. The more people that show up, the better!

Now, for the pats on the back. I've already given one to DH. He really has been amazing lately. The rest, in true Lill form, are self-centered. But hey, this is all about me, right?

In no particular order:

-I have stayed on WW for 55 days. I'm struggling big time this week, having used 23 of my 35 flex points with 4 more days to get through...but I WILL make it.

-Yesterday, I walked for 24 minutes and ran for 6 at 4.5 mph. I didn't even feel like dying when I finished. I think I have finally figured out the best timing for myself. Of course, it'll change again the week after next...but for 2 weeks, I have it nailed.

-We got the dining room painted. Sort of. Actually, we got the first coat done, but ran out of paint before a 2nd coat could be applied...and it's VERY necessary. So it's half done, I guess. But it still looks good, and it's progress.

-I have been on time for work 2 days in a row. Miracle.

One not-so-proud thing: I skipped the gym on Saturday. I already had to get up early to load the truck for the Pink Out, and when we left at 3, I was SO cold I could barely move, and hadn't eaten all day, so I went home and took a blazing hot shower and had Chef Boy-ar-dee and hot apple cider for lunch...which still didn't warm me up. So I snuggled under the covers with the furbabies and watched tv. Yes, I feel somewhat bad, but the fact that I accomplished yesterday's run after skipping Saturday's tells me I'm in SLIGHTLY better shape than I thought anyway, so there is no reason to beat myself up over missing 1 day when I felt like total crap. Besides, next week is my "rest" week, where I don't increase my time, just I have plenty of time at 24/6 to adapt before 22/8 comes beating at my door. For the record...22/8 is the first time I'm nervous about. Not sure why. I think I need to work out the times on my little post it note and it will be less intimidating.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hi, my name is Lill and I suffer from Road Rage.

I really need to not drive when I'm PMSing. It's not safe for anyone. Thank god I don't have a gun.

I've actually been a hormonal raging bitch a little cranky for the last couple days, but this morning, the smallest thing is setting me off. Could be the massive headache I woke up with (thank you, TOM, for deciding that this was a migraine month instead of a break out nice to know that early), or the cat puke I stepped in coming out of the bedroom, or the STUPID IDIOTIC ATLANTA DRIVERS. Yeah, I'm thinking that last one is a big part of it, but the first 2 had me in a mood before I even pulled out of the garage.

I was cut off twice this morning on my 25 mile, 45 minute commute. And I watched an 18 wheeler almost sideswipe 2 cars in 1 shot right in front of me. And of course, I get behind the people that want to do 50 on the interstate EVERY TIME. Luckily, thanks to state-wide furloughs, Friday traffic is light and I managed to make it to work on time.

On the good side, it's Friday. Finally. This week could not end soon enough. I have been so easily distr...oh, look, something shiny. What was I saying? Oh...yeah...week is over. Unfortunately, the DH is putting me to work for the next 2 Saturdays (wo)manning a booth for his store. It's a good cause, and the publicity will be good, as long as people aren't scared away by the cold weather. And by cold, I mean 50's...but this is GA and anything under 65 is considered freezing. Especially in October. So I will be at 2 different Pink Out events for the Breast Cancer Survivors Network with a pink Vespa and all kinds of pink gear. Sadly, DH and I agree that it's not fair for me to try to raise funds for the walk (which benefits Komen) at an event sponsored by a different breast cancer group...but I may try to get some things in place in his store before hand so that anyone that goes to the store can donate. Yeah...I'm like that.

The one main challenge of me doing these 2 events: Saturdays are my gym day. The event is from 10:30 to 3. That doesn't leave me a whole lot of "me" time to hit the gym, since we have to start setting up around 9, and I NEED my coffee beforehand. Oh...I wonder if we'll have an electrical plug? Maybe I'll get some little cups and have hot chocolate going for people, since it'll be so cold! And by people, I mean me, but I'll share. Need to look into that. What was I talking about? Oh, yeah. Going to the gym. See? Told you I was easily distracted this week.

So, to find time for the gym, I either have to get up at the asscrack of dawn the same time I get up for work and go before the Pink Out, showering at the gym, or take my stuff with me and go after sitting outside in the cold all day...then rush home to fix dinner like the good little wifey that I am. Wait...I can't remember the last time I cooked on a Saturday. Guess I can go afterward...and the running will help me warm up, too.

Speaking of running, I set my speeds to the lower ones on Wednesday and managed to push through without stopping this time, but I realized that whether I run for 1 minute or 2, my recovery time is about the same--about 2 minutes to catch my breath and not feel like my heart is gonna pound out of my chest. So I'm gonna change it up again. Here's how: Instead of 2 blocks of running for 2 minutes, I'm going to split it into 4 one minute blocks, and shorten my recovery time. Here's why: I can run at 4.5 for 1 minute. I did that on Monday. And my recovery still only took about 2 minutes. So if I continue to add more 1 minute bursts and keep dropping the walking time, I think it will help me more in the long run (get it...long run...I'm running and making my time longer...oh, nevermind).

I did slack on Wednesday, though. This was the start of my feeling crappy days, so 1) I cut my speeds lower than I probably needed to on the walk and 2) I skipped doing the weights entirely. I feel bad about it, but I think I needed a little break. It's not like I skipped the WHOLE thing...just didn't work as hard as I had been. Meh. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Running FAIL

Or not. It was almost a C25K bust after only 1 week. I got ambitious. It happens. I AM, after all, great, so why shouldn't I be able to do anything?

Oh, yeah...great, yes. Human, yes. Superhuman, not so much.

Here's how it went down.

Last week, I was walking 28 minutes and running 2. I had kept my speed to 3.0 on the walks and 4.0 on the run, but that always felt slow, so i would bump it up to 4.2 about 15 seconds in. No problems at all.

This week, we were increasing the running to 4 minutes and decreasing the walking to 26. I went into this really excited about this, by the way. So I work out my times and put them on a post-it and stick it to my iPod. Because I'm anal like that and hate staring at the treadmill and counting on my fingers to make sure I have the times right.

Ok, so 26/4 works out to 8 minutes walking, 2 running, 9 walking, 2 running, 9 walking. I like to do my short walk at the start so I have more recovery time after running. See, I do think these things through. Well, like I said...I got ambitious. 3.0 and 4.0? Nope. Not good enough. Lets go 3.3 and 4.5!

The first 8 minutes were gravy. No problem at all. The first 45 seconds of running was ok, too...then, my shin started to hurt, and I was barely able to keep up with the treadmill. I stuck it out for 45 more seconds, then hit stop. I had every intention of saying fuck it and just walking the rest of my time. But...I'm stubborn, and all I could picture was Jillian Michaels standing in front of me. I decided I wasn't going to give up just because it was hard, but I wasn't going to kill myself, either. So I started the treadmill again (after a few gulps of water)...but at 3.0 for the walk. And I didn't set up the intervals beforehand. After about 5 minutes, I figured I had recovered enough, and set out on the second running 4.0 for a minute and a half. Done. Walked another 5 minutes, then did the last minute of running, and gave myself 10 minutes of recovery walking. I had done it. Slower than I wanted, but I still finished.

And when I was done, I wiped the sweat off of my face, and went through the weight circuit. No slacking at all for this chickie.

What I learned: for right now, work on time, not speed. Speed will come later. Or not. I'm not actually planning on participating in a 5K, so if I can't do a 10 minute mile, so what? Or if it takes me longer, who cares? My ultimate goal is walking 60 miles...not running 3.

As a side note, I *may* be developing shin splints already. I'll be keeping an eye on this situation, and hoping that I'm wrong, but if the pain gets worse, I'm gonna head to the doctor. Right now, it's mild discomfort...which could just be because I'm fat and putting a lot of stress on my legs.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ten things I like about me.

Saturday was Day 45. I have successfully stayed OP for a full 46 days now. I've even started going to the gym for which I have been paying $35 a month for 2 years and not using. I have lost a total of 10 and a half pounds. I deserve my reward. I should be jumping for joy.

But I'm not.

Yeah, sure, I'm proud of myself for sticking it out. And yeah, I'm glad I'm finally starting to go to the gym. But I have yet to run to the store to cash in my reward (it was supposed to be $15 for my Starbucks card). I haven't even thought of a suitable replacement reward. I know I deserve SOMETHING, but I just can't think of anything.

Maybe it's PMS. I'm feeling like for as much as I have been busting my ass, I should be down at least 12 pounds...or my work pants should at least be comfortable by now. I should be able to go up a flight of stairs without feeling like I'm going to die...or at least not be drenched in sweat by the time I get to the top. But they aren't, and I can't.

I know this isn't a race and there is no hurry. I'm still trying very hard to focus on actions not results. But when you aren't seeing results, it's hard to keep up the actions. Actually, that's not true. I've gotten pretty good at the actions. Hell, I only ate one slice of pizza last night because I didn't know how many points it would be. As it turns out, I could have had 2. Instead, I had some dessert when we got home and I found out I had 5 points left. But the point is, I start to wonder why I'm doing this if I'm not getting the results.

I tried on my Goal Dress on Saturday, just to see. I had a somewhat easier time getting it on...but it's still too tight. I *could* probably wear it with some Spanx or control top hose, but I'd be miserable.

Ok...enough with the self pity. Here is a list of things I should be proud of:

1) I have stuck with my points for 46 full days. Yes, I have had days where I have gone way over, but at the end of the week, I have always had enough flexies to cover everything.

2) I ran a total of 4 minutes last week. Actual running. I also walked a total of 101 minutes, and swam for 45. That is 150 minutes of exercise that I did. Voluntarily. There were some weights in there, too.

3) I have turned down seconds of dinner at least twice in the last week, and taken home leftovers two other times.

4) I actually told DH today that yes, we can go to Maguires for dinner, but I still want to go to the gym first, so he was going to have to go home and get me a towel and meet me there. As it turns out, he gets off work early today, so he's cooking instead. But the fact remains...I said that I was going to the gym, no matter what we were doing.

5) I have continued to track what I eat, even when I don't want to and just want to give up and get a cheeseburger and some cookies. Actually, I have had the cheeseburger. And the cookies. Just not on the same day.

6) I have routinely asked to substitute the steamed veggie of the day for french fries when we have gone out to eat.

7) I am actually looking FORWARD to adding running time to my workout.

8) I have only annoyed DH once with my obsessive planning of meals. At least, only once that he has said anything.

9) While I feel like dying, I am able to exercise at a moderate intensity for over 30 minutes non-stop, and still have the energy to lift some weights.

and finally

10) I have lost TEN AND A HALF POUNDS in a month and a half. With a vacation. And going out to dinner more than weekly. 6 weeks. 10.5 pounds. That's a little over 1.5 a week. That is actually a PERFECT pace.

So next time I get down on myself for ONLY losing 10.5, and that I break out in a sweat after 2 minutes of exercise...someone remind me that I'm still 10.5 less than I was and while I'm dripping with sweat, at least I can keep pushing.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Life, or something like it.

Real life is starting to catch up to me and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to out run it. Especially considering I have only just started C25K today.

I feel like I have SO much going on right now, and I think it's gonna get worse before it gets better. We have the obvious things that this blog is about: WW, exercise and the 3 Day (and the fundraising for that). Then I still have 2 more months of class before the semester break. And we have to finish the last few things to get the house in order before my aunt comes to visit. And we have bills that we want to pay instead of sitting here talking to myself, I should be ChaCha-ing, but I'm just not as into it as I used to be.

Today, I picked out my class for next semester: Econ 2105, which is Intro it Macroeconomics. Ew. I really have no interest in this, but it's a pre-req for the classes I need once I take the GMATs (eventually) and actually apply for my masters in Computer Information Systems. This semester, I'm taking College Algebra. Anyone who knows me well knows that this is a joke for me. First, I took it when I got my bachelors. Second, I just like math. I'm weird like that. But next semester might actually be a challenge. And that won't be fun.

We finally picked out a color for the dining room. It was supposed to be tan. It's green. Luckily, it's in the same family as the living room, just about 2 or 3 shades lighter, so it could still work. But it's not what we wanted. We have about a month to get it put up on the walls before my aunt comes to visit (YAY!). Also, while she is here, we are FINALLY having our housewarming party...which is going to double as a Tastefully Simple fundraiser party. So we REALLY have to get the house cleaned up and in order.

I did start C25K today...the conservative program. Today was 28 minutes of walking, 2 minutes of running. Aside from not being able to breathe for about a minute and a half or 2 minutes after my running sections (I did 9/1/9/1/10), I really felt good. I kept my walking speed to about 3.0 mph, and for my runs, I did 4.0. Really, I almost think it was too slow, but I was a little nervous about it. Unfortunately, I think I'm gonna end up with shin problems. Even in 2 minutes, they were hurting while running. Not after, at least, but while running. I also did a weight circuit today: arms (tricep press, bicep curl, shoulder press, upright bench press) and legs (leg press, leg extensions, inner and outer thigh press). I kept the weight pretty low, and I only did 1 set of each...We will see how I feel tomorrow before I decide what I will do on Friday.

I'm also 3 days away from my 45 day reward...which was supposed to be $15 added to my Starbucks card, but I'm re-thinking that. I really don't know why I bothered to write down rewards. I have changed every one of them. Anyway, I have been really hungry today, and I think it's the addition of exercise to my program. But it's making it really hard to stick it out. I'm determined...but it's getting rough.

I think my goal for the next week is to get the dining room done, and just work on a schedule. If I can make the gym a habit, and then worry about working everything else in, I think I'm more likely to succeed with it. Right? RIGHT?! Somebody please tell me I'm not just lying to myself and that this really will become a habit...because right now, it's just a hassle.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Me? A RUNNER? Don't make me laugh!

I've started going to the gym and actually using my membership that I've had for 2 years and have used about 5 of which was to take my nieces to the pool when they came to visit. But with the 3 Day looming a year away, and me being pitifully out of shape (wait...round is a shape. I'm in shape. Just not a shape to accomplish my goals), I figured I needed to start sooner rather than later. But the 3 Day training program is 24 weeks long...I have more than double that. So, I was thinking about what I could possibly do with the other 24+ weeks, and then it hit me.

Couch to 5K.

For those that don't know, this is a running program that takes you from never having run in your life (except, perhaps, after the ice cream truck when it starts to pull away...not that I know anything about that) to being able to run a 5K. There are 2 programs: the original, and the fat-girl extremely slow build up conservative program.

Both programs have merit in my case. The original gets me there fast and will force me to push myself right from Day 1. It's a 9 week program that starts with running intervals from the very beginning. A benefit is that there is a podcast, complete with music, that goes with this program, and tells you when to walk and when to run, so you don't spend your whole workout looking at your watch. The's only 9 weeks, and I'm really trying to fill more time than that...and seriously, I don't run now. At ALL.

If I do the conservative program, it starts off much slower. In fact, I could probably skip the first, oh, 3 weeks? That would have me starting with 20 minutes of walking 4 days a week. Considering I was trying to get 45 minutes to an hour 3 days a week (granted, I've only done 2 days so far...), 20 minutes would work. And I might even have some time left to do the weights I wanted to do. I've got that double wave thing going and want to nip it in the bud before it gets really bad. Plus, the whole program is 28 weeks...which has me ending 2 weeks before I need to be starting the 3 Day training...PERFECT. The downside? No podcast. So I need to make my own. Not torture...but a minor hassle.

I think I'm going to be the lazy runner and do the conservative program. It will still challenge me, since I detest running, but the first week of running is 28 minutes of walking, 2 of running...and it can be split any way you want to do it (so 7 walking, 30 seconds running, 7 walking, 30 seconds running...).

I've also worked out most of a schedule with the DH...who I think still has doubts I'm going to follow through with the whole gym-going thing. And who can blame him? It's not like I've shown a tendency to be a gym addict. But we worked out a deal where on Mondays, when he gets off work right at 6 (most of the time), he will go home and cook while I go to the gym. We are also working out whether he can do the same on Wednesday or Thursday...and I'm going to go before my Starbucks on Saturdays. I *may* also use an hour or so on my weeks this month that I get off early on Fridays to do some extra. Last night was the first with this schedule...I got home just after 7. He had dinner ready (some really YUMMY chili and Parmesan cheddar biscuits) when I got home, and didn't complain (much) when I wanted to eat before showering. Seemed to work out pretty well. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

Also, I finally had a loss this week after 2 weeks of holding steady. Not a huge one, but 2 pounds, bringing my total to 10. I'm thrilled with that...but...a little disheartened for some reason. And I don't know why. 10 pounds in a month is just about a perfect pace. And it means I *could* be near goal when we go to FL next. And with adding in the gym, I will theoretically be toning up, too...which is really more important than the number on the scale. I'm still trying to focus on actions and not results, though. It's hard, but I'm trying. Control what I can. That's my motto. And so far, it's working. Guess I need some workout rewards set up.

And no...working out is not it's own reward.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Save Second Base!

Ok, I wish I was creative enough to say I came up with the title, but I'm not. I stole it from a team when I did the Breast Cancer 3 Day in 2007. I'm stealing it now because I'm walking again!

So...right from the start, I'm gonna ask for your money. I need to raise $2300 by next October. Every little bit adds up. Thank you in advance.

I also need other fundraising ideas, because, lets face it, my 8 readers aren't rich enough to support me. Tell your friends. I'm funny. Really, I am.

I am thinking of doing a yard sale, probably in May of next year...and for those that have stuff to get rid of, but no cold hard cash, this is a great way to help out! I'm also gonna talk to DH's boss about the company sponsoring me...or working out a deal to raffle an inexpensive scooter. We'll see what he'll agree to...if anything.

I'm also going to start training early. If our numerous Disney trips have told me anything, it's that my daily walking limit is about 6 miles a day right now. I need to more than triple that. And me being the procrastinator I am, I really need to start now, because if I wait, then I'm going to be waiting to put it off...and not do anything.

And most ChaCha Slide for 2 months before the walk. Especially not in flip flops.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Are you ready for some...


Ok, since I got married, I really haven't watched much football. Hubby isn't a fan, and I usually have other stuff going on. But today, I decided to see if the Virginia Tech game was on. It is...they are playing Miami. HUGE rivalry game, and Tech is at home. I miss Lane Stadium.

But there was just a play where the defender (Miami) drew a pass interference call, and the commentator said something that stuck out to me:

"It's not a bad play. It's not like the penalty is 40 yards. If you know you are beat, take the penalty." (paraphrased...didn't feel like rewinding for the actual words)

Now, at first, I had issues with this. I mean, you are essentially GIVING the other team 4 more chances to score, since the penalty, while not 40 years, is 15 and they get a whole new set of downs...starting 15 years closer to the goal. And I started writing this thinking, why would you WANT to do that? Seriously?

But then, I thought some more and related it to weight loss...yeah, I'm a bit obsessive. What's it to ya?

So, it was highly likely the VT player would have scored had it not been for the interference. He broke away just after, and was alone on the field, with wide open spaces between him and the goal. Basically, the Miami player took what was a sure score, and turned it into 4 more chances to PREVENT that score.

How's this relate to weight loss? Well, there are times you take a hit to give yourself 4 more chances to succeed.

TOUCHDOWN HOKIES! Oh..sorry. They just scored on a blocked punt. I got distracted. 21-0 now.

Anyway...times like when you have no option BUT what someone else has prepared, and you don't really know the points (calories, carbs, fat grams, whatever it is that you count). So, you take the hit and enjoy your dinner. But you give yourself the chance to get right back on the wagon, and back to your goal.

Take hardships in stride, and don't let one meal throw you so far off your goal that you can't recover. Give yourself 4 more chances to succeed.

There's your gem of wisdom and inspiration.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another milestone, fast approaching

That's right. Despite my struggles last week/early this week, tomorrow is Day 30, which, if successfully completed, earns me a $5 addition to my treasured Starbucks mini card.

I really thought 30 days would feel like a bigger accomplishment than the first 15 days, but it doesn't. In hind sight, that first 15 days was pretty tough. The Disney trip, in my mind, was a HUGE accomplishment. This last 2 weeks has just been daily life...not "extra" struggles.

So how do I wrap my head around the fact that without that first 15 days, I wouldn't be at 30 now? Because that's true. And honestly, EVERY day is a struggle at some point. Deciding between a snack now, or an extra serving at dinner, or even what to make for dinner. I know this is what I need, but some days it frustrates me no end. And I *want* to do what I did the first time around and institute my "off day," but I also remember that sometimes it was so much harder to get back on, that it's just easier to stick it out and just pick a day where I can work in the treats without being "off."

So what are the plans for the last day and a half before my reward? Well, I've only gotten to lunch today: leftover enchiladas from last night. I have 11 points for dinner, and I have 16 flex points left for today and tomorrow. I have no clue what dinner will be tonight, though I'm considering having DH grill some chicken. And tomorrow, all I know is breakfast, because I usually eat the same thing for a week at a time. This week, coffee (3 pts for my creamer) and a Jimmy Dean DeLights Turkey Sausage, Eggwhite and cheese English muffin (5 pts). Lunch will likely depend on dinner tonight, since I usually bring leftovers.

In other news, DH and I are starting to get ready for Halloween. We have a cauldron which is already filled with candy. This is (obviously) our first year in the house, and we know there are a lot of kids in the neighborhood, so we are expecting a lot of trick or treaters. I'm unusually excited about this. We also got some Mickey pumpkin lights and found a set of smaller lights I had bought last year, so those will probably be put up shortly. DH also wants to make a pumpkin sculpture he saw somewhere...and I told him go for it. If anyone knows how to make carved pumpkins last longer, I'd love to know. He was gonna try shellacking them, but oddly enough, I've done that before and they just mold under the shellac. Not worth the extra money or effort. So we are looking for ways. Maybe I'll try to look it up today. Not really feeling like working anyway.

Which probably explains my posting here 2 days in a row, as well...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Challenges and goals

The last week or so has been a real struggle for me to stay OP. Aside from PMS, I don't really know why. But really, isn't PMS a good enough reason? I have managed to pull it off, but there was a day or so where I wasn't sure I would. And what really sucks is, I thought I was making ok choices when we were out.

DH and I went shopping on Sunday. When we left the house, we intended to go to Starbucks for breakfast (I know that menu and the points like the back of my hand), but it was already about 11, so we decided instead to go to Honeybaked Ham and get sandwiches. I got a turkey one. Yes, it had bacon, but I didn't expect just the sandwich (no chips, nothing else) to be 14 points. It's TURKEY. I know a Subway 6 inch turkey sandwich with cheese is 7 points. I was thinking it would be no more than 10. Nope. And of course, while I had my netbook with me (habit on the goes in my purse when I leave the house), there was no WiFi anywhere, so I couldn't look it up until we got home.

We did some walking and window shopping. Then decided to see a movie (for the record: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is awesome!)...and share a soda. DH won't do diet, so we shared a large Sprite with lots of ice. Another 3 points down the drain... At the movie, one of the ads was for a restaurant we always see, but had never been to, and we discovered they had Korean food we went for dinner (instead of the planned frozen Chinese food). I had chicken bulgogi. It was very spicy, and came with some rice, potstickers (yum) and fried mushrooms (double yum). Actually, even with the fried stuff, this wasn't bad, had it not been for the sandwich earlier. But the chicken was SO spicy, I INSISTED we go to Coldstone, where I got the FF ice cream, but with Twix.

In total, I was very glad my flex points had reset the day before. And that we did some walking. But this was just another day in a long series where I was struggling for no apparent reason.

I'm pretty much back on track now. I even had room for 5 mini cookies last night, fresh out of the oven. But I really need to see if I can pinpoint the issue, otherwise, I can really see myself caving on the cheeseburger I've been wanting for 3 days now.

One good thing that's happened is that I now have a goal. I mean, I've had a goal weight, but I really don't want to set a specific time to do that in. It just adds pressure, and I like the whole thing about rewarding myself only for what I can control (ie--staying OP), and not for what I can't (ie--losing weight). But we were at Target and saw a really cute dress...that was even on sale. I tried it on, and while I could get it on, it was definitely too tight. Not horribly so, but enough. DH (bless his helpful little heart) says to get it anyway and it can be my goal dress. So we do...and it's hanging in the coat closet where I see it at least weekly when I get my helmet out. But having a goal dress is one thing. Having an occasion where you want to wear it is another. So, I thought of an occasion when I would like to have a pretty new dress: our next Disney trip. That gives me about 3 months to drop probably 1 size. I think that is pretty reasonable.

Especially considering I've lost 8 pounds in about 3 weeks. :o)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Updates and a small review

I did in fact make it through Day 15, finishing the day with 2 Gordita Supreme's at Taco Bell. Probably not the most healthy of choices, but very yummy, filling, and fast...which, when I left work at 7pm after being here 11 hours (and getting a 95% on my test--go me!), was what I needed.

In doing so, I earned this. I'm pretty happy with it so far...which is good, because that's my 2nd purse in a year and I rarely buy them--and won't get another one until probably sometime next year.

I've been holding up pretty well since Day 15, too. I did my 1st official WI on Saturday and was down...

Drumroll, please...

8 pounds. Yay, me. Really...I'm more excited than I sound. But I also know that the first week on ANY diet you lose a lot of water weight, and even though that is a 2 week loss, it includes the water weight. So really, it's probably closer to 3 pounds of fat and 5 pounds of water...but why am I beating myself up about semantics? The scale went down 8 pounds. This is a good thing.

Of course, I really want to celebrate with a bacon cheeseburger and fries. I won't. But I want to.

Actually, I just finished my lunch (this is where the review will come in). I had a Marie Callenders' Pasta al Dente Tortellini thing, which, for a frozen meal, is really yummy...and 9 points. They have other flavors, too. My absolute favorite is the Chicken Balsamico, which is 8 points. Anyway...that's not what this is about. This is about Yoplait's new Delights Parfaits. There was a coupon in this week's paper for $1.00 off (there's also one on their webpage...), and they were on sale for $ I figured for $1.00, I'll try (almost) anything and I got the Creme Caramel...and for a 2 point yogurt, it makes a pretty darn good dessert. It's more pudding-like, but still has that distinctive yogurt "twang." One thumb up for these...they'd be better if they were only 1 point. ;o)

Well, short of doing a full "this is what I ate at this time" log, and we all know no one really wants a play by play of every bite ANYONE eats, that's all I've got for today.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Easy way to earn some great gift cards!

Happy Day 15!

Yes, that's right. I decided to start tracking before we went to Disney...and then when we were there, I figured, what the heck, lets try to stay OP and see how it goes.

And go it did! Granted, had it not been for all the walking (about 6 miles per day) I wouldn't have had a chance. But I came home and still even had a few flex points left over for the rest of the week.

My hardest day was our last full day there. We were eating at the Canadian Steakhouse, eh? and I had Beer Cheese soup. It was DELICIOUS. And 12 points for the bowl. It was followed with potato gnocchi and a few bites of chocolate mousse...leaving me .5 point of my regular points for dinner, plus the APs. Unfortunately, for dinner, I wanted a burger. And I had it. So I used all my APs, plus another 10 flex points.

Driving home was also a little challenging. We didn't do much walking that day, since we left pretty early (we were worried about hitting traffic because of the holiday), so I had no APs to count on. Actually, had it not been for the awesome chocolate covered toffee thing we got at Goofy's Candy to use our last snack options, I would have been golden. But it was too good not to eat the whole thing. And besides, I still hadn't thought I would pull off the OP for the whole time and was figuring I'd be starting over from scratch. Nope. Entered it and was a mere (HA!) 9 points over for the day. Had Flex points, though, so I used those. Leaving me 12.5 flex points for the rest of the week (4 days...I reset on Saturday).

So here it is, Thursday. And I have been OP for 14 full days. So what do I get for this awesome accomplishment?

Well, I'm switching up my rewards a little bit. I found my $10 item...well, $15, but who's counting. An adorable purse. And I went ahead and bought it at DH's urging...and promptly hung it in the closet until I earned it. And I think managing to stay OP in Disney is an accomplishment worthy of switching my 15 and 30 day, if I make it through today, I get my purse. Otherwise, it keeps hanging there. If I make the next 15 days (total of 30), I get the $5 added to my Starbucks card.

By the way--a little money-saving tip from the couponer in me: if you use a registered card to pay, any "drink customization" is free--so syrup, soy milk, whipped cream, etc. I don't do soy, but I know the syrups are 30 cents. Doesn't sound like much, but after 10 trips, that's almost enough to buy #11! Also, I've discovered the Cafe Misto. It's just like a latte, but instead of espresso, it uses brewed coffee. Somehow, this is 1.5 points less than an equivalent latte (2 points for a Venti non-fat Misto with sugar free syrup, 3.5 for the Venti non-fat latte with sugar free syrup)...and almost $2 cheaper. SCORE!

Starting my reward day with an 7 point breakfast, then I brought an 8 point lunch, leaving me 15 for dinner. If I was cooking, no problem. But I have a test after work, so it's going to be fast food...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thank you, interwebs!

Thank god for the internet. First of all, all of my best friends live there. But even better, I found the semi-complicated formula for figuring out how many points I get on WW...thereby saving myself $40.

According to this site, I get 30 points (yes, I'm fat. I know this. Hence the WW.). I also still get my 35 "extra" a week, plus any APs I earn.

Now to find that tracking spreadsheet I had been sent forever ago...or just make my own.

Oh...and Day 1 of Operation Office into Gym was a success. I do need to remember to bring in some facial cleanser wipes for when I'm done, though.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Minimizing me.

It's the reverse of Supersize Me. I've been shrinking things in my life lately.

First, I went from a regular laptop to a 9 inch netbook. I adore it. It fits in my purse, boots up fast (something my laptop never did for some reason), and is just downright cute. I have a few typing issues, but I'm the typo queen to start with, so that's nothing new, really. I highly recommend one.

Then...and somewhat less impressive, but I like it...I shrunk my Starbucks card. No, not the balance (well, that, too) but the card itself. They have what are called mini-Starbucks cards, and they fit on your keychain, and are just a little bigger than most store loyalty cards (Kroger, CVS, Publix, etc). Again...I love. Oh, and you get "drink customization" free with a card, so I get a 30 cent discount when I use it for my syrup. BONUS.

So, as I sat in Starbucks, with my latte (have no fear--my caffeine intake has NOT been minimized), mini netbook, and my keys with my mini card, I realized I've been minimizing a lot of things in my life lately, but not the one I want to most: my self. And I think I should do something about that. Soon. Like, really, ASAP, but then I'm setting myself up for failure yet again, because Disney is in 9 days, 7 hours, 9 minutes and someodd seconds. And for me to stay OP in Disney just won't happen. I know this. Well, it might...if I were well into it, and it was second nature, etc. But in 9 days, I don't think I can pull it off.

But what I CAN do is start preparing and getting into other habits. I started class last week. I'm just taking 1 this semester: College Algebra. Not at all exciting, and I think I'm going to be pulling my hair out by the end of it because I'm only in class 1 hour a week, and then 3 hours in a computer lab where I teach myself. Yeah. So, most of this will be on my lunch break. I still plan to eat...please, don't think the fat girl won't be eating. The schedule I would like to work out is:

11:45-heat lunch, inhale while finishing up whatever I'm working on
12:00-head to math lab for homework (it's almost right across the street, walking doesn't count)
12:45-back to office and pop in a 10 minute exercise DVD. Close door, do exercise.
1:00-Open door, back to work

There are a few my homework may run over from time to time, in which case, I'll have to do something else. And I've actually never WATCHED the DVDs I was looking at bringing...might need to do that to make sure I can do it here.

I figure if I can at least work that in, it's a start.

For my finale, I'm going to steal from my good friend Alyssa. Her thought was that she can't control the outcome, but she can control her behavior, so for every 15 days she stays OP, she gets a reward. Doesn't matter if she loses or's the behavior being rewarded, not the loss. This really made sense to me, since I tend to gain about 6 pounds for TOM (he's such a bastard), which always frustrates me...and then I binge, and then blow it, and don't get back. But, if I look at it as sticking with it gets me something shiny (ok, really, I'm about to think of rewards in a minute...that's where this train is going...but I haven't, and it likely won't be shiny, but you know what I mean), I'm more likely to stay with it.

So...bringing the train back into the station, and without further ado...

What I want (all are consecutive...if I fall on day 29, I start over):

For 15 days OP, I get $5 added to my Starbucks card.
For 30 Days OP, I get to decide on something for $10 (I've been thinking for 2 days and can't think of anything!).
For 45 days OP, I get $15 added to my Starbucks card (gotta support my habit somehow!)
For 60 days OP, I get a pedicure (~$20).
For 75 days OP, I get $25 added to my Starbucks card.
For 90 days OP, I get an Organizer bag from Thirty-One (~$40)

I also think I might do at least 1 month of paying for WW, since it's been so long. Hard to reward yourself for being OP when you have no set definition of OP.

Ok. It's in writing. Kickbox Bootcamp starts tomorrow (class on Wednesday's, so no extra time during my lunch).

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Portion sizes

Allow me to rant for a moment about a combination of things: vending machines, portion sizes, and "single serving" packages that are not.

Just now, I wanted breakfast. Unfortunately, the cafeteria stops serving at 10. It's 10:07, and by the time I walk there, it'd be 10:15. They really aren't forgiving. So I figured I'd check the vending machine for something instead. We usually have Poptarts in there, and sometimes other stuff. Today, the poptarts were blueberry (ew), but there were some Knotts Berry Farm Strawberry Shortbread cookies. YUM. So I swipe my card (love working at a college just for that...use the credit card to add money to my account, then swipe my ID at the vending machine...and we get a discount for that!) and get said cookies. The package isn't very big...and was only .80, which is the same as a candy bar. I think it's a single serving. I pull it out...nope. It's THREE servings. 12 cookies that are each about an inch in diameter. Really? Now, I know portion sizes have gotten out of control, but I'll be the first to say that 4 one inch cookies is just not enough. Especially as a breakfast substitute. 120 calories, 5 grams of fat and no fiber in each serving. 360, 15 and still none for the package. Ok...actually, that's not bad for a meal. But who in their right mind would eat 1/3 of a package you buy at a vending machine? And why can't you see this BEFORE you buy a package?

I wonder if the truth in labeling laws (or whatever they are called) cover vending machines? Because I should not have to buy the item to look at the nutritional information. And not have any recourse if I should change my mind after seeing it. Granted, there are a few things I know aren't too horribly bad...pretzels are fat free (no idea how many servings these are, though), gummy bears are fat free (but those are also in a 3 serving bag), and when I'm in desperate need of chocolate, a 3 Musketeers is the best option. But the fact that I can't pick them up and compare...or even see the info inside the machine...just isn't fair.

And they wonder why we are all fat. Fast Food places have to have their little pamphlets out. Why shouldn't vending machines?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Seriously, I'm funny.

Ok, lately, I have just been making people laugh left and right. Sarcasm at it's best. And it all started when one of my good friends posted a quote from A League of their Own, meant to be inspirational to her weight loss (hey...misery loves company. It's how I met most of my best friends...) and I was just far too tired and my mind went straight to the gutter. Honestly, all I said was that I needed to get my mind out of the gutter...but someone else evidently could see exactly what I was thinking...and though it was hilarious.

Then, there was the breastfeeding vs. formula feeding discussion. Granted, I have no kids. But it's my feeling that everyone should do what is best for them and their family in their very individual circumstances. But the BF Nazis say formula makes kids stupid and which I tweeted an open letter: "Dear BF Nazis: Intelligence capabilities are determined at conception, then it's just working with the kid to develop them. Maybe if you put your boob away and read to your kid, it could compare to the ones who get a bottle of formula while being read to." Yes, it took 2 tweets. And apparently, even mentioning "boob" got me found by the x-rated spam bots. Oh, well. That's why I have protected tweets.

Then...there was this morning's meeting. Ok, I probably shouldn't have gone here, but really, the question was so dumb it required a dumb answer. Other person asks (not directly to me but we were in a group) "What is the difference between the 1:00 and the 2:00 meeting?" to which I replied "One is later than the other." Straight face and all. Everyone laughed. Really, though? Who asks that and DOESN'T expect a smartass response? As it turns out, one was for system bugs and the other was going over a task list...which probably included many of the system bugs. I can understand the confusion. Luckily, I'm not involved in said meetings.

So that brings me to now. DH's birthday is tomorrow (he's less than thrilled, but tough. I have to deal with mine soon, so he does too). Anyway, his mother texts me to find out if he is taking off at all (Umm? No...the only time he's not at work is Sunday's and Disney trips. Haven't you figured this out yet?) and says she is giving him $$ for his birthday. So I warn him she might be stopping by (we have a no-surprise-visit rule between those warnings when it comes ot his parents) and tell him what she is giving him and to act surprised. He responds "Where did she get $$?" Yeah..honestly, that is the bigger surprise. But anyway. I tell him I don't know, and take a guess she got student loans early. He says she will be asking for money in 6 months. I say "I give it 1 month if she is going through it this fast." Seriously, they are incapable of dealing with money.

Well, that wasn't that funny, but I had to tell someone.

In other news...umm. I paid off 2 credit cards today. Go me/us (DH did help). One more will be paid next month, and if all goes as planned, another in December, leaving us with only 2, and 50000000 car payments (ok, fine. 4. Four car payments. And 2 are bikes, not cars. Get off my back), the mortgage and the standard utilities. *happy dance*

Oh...and I'm trying to figure out just how many days I will be furloughed. It's somewhere between 4 and 13 total. Maybe I should start a pool for guessing and make it a 50/50, so that I can make up some of my lost wages. Hmm...any bets? Also, they are talking re-org for my department. This could actually work to my advantage. What they want to do is eliminate a vacant position. But the one that is currently vacant is a senior level. So they are talking about shifting us around back into 2 teams of 3 (like when we were fully staffed), and then moving me into the shifted lower level and leaving mine vacant (admin job). So basically, I'd get a promotion. Not sure if/how much more money I'd get, since the whole point is as a cost cutting measure (damn those 28% budget cuts...and, sadly, this is not a joke...that really is what we had to plan on cutting), but experience-wise, it's an AWESOME move. And I've been training for it for the last 2 weeks (which is where I heard it from...). It's gonna suck next week when the person who has been out comes back and I'm back to nothing to do. Though, I might get to finish my file room.

I'm outta witty remarks, so that means our time has come to a close. See ya in about 3 more months when I think of something else blog-worthy...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Why I could never be president:

Ok, aside from the whole I'm not old enough yet thing, I realized while reading this article that there is no way I could ever be president. Why, you ask?

My solution to the North Korea problem:

Get everyone out of South Korea. Start with US residents, and just get everyone moved. Then, just nuke the hell out of the North. I mean, it's what they are threatening us with, right? We've had the capability LONG before they ever did. It's painfully obvious nothing will ever come from peace talks with them, so lets put everyone out of their misery and just wipe them off the planet...after making sure that our people are safe, that is. Especially since "our people" includes 2 of my family members who just moved to S. Korea.

Then again, it could just be the PMS talking...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm already supersized.

I just watched Supersize Me for the first time. I've always wanted to watch it, but for whatever reason, hadn't. I was hoping it would cure me of ever wanting to eat McDonald's again. Sadly, all it did was make me want a Big Mac. D'oh!

Anyway, here are my thoughts on the movie, whether you want them or not. First, I realize that at the end he says that his test was "a little extreme." Umm, ya think? Yes, some people occasionally eat fast food more than once a day. I will say, there have been days I've eaten it 3 times a day. But then there are many days in between where I don't eat it at all. He also made sure that he ate each menu item at least once. Most of us are creatures of habit. There might be only 2 or 3 things I will eat from McDs.'s actually 5 if you include the breakfast items. But still. So yeah...I think it was kind of skewed to show all bad and no good. Granted, the positives are small. But, especially in this economy, cheap and filling can be a good thing if you are struggling...not everyday, 3 times a day, but once or twice a week.

Other thoughts:
-They didn't ask the one group of people that could have told you what a calorie is. Fat women. Oddly enough, overweight females know more about the caloric and fat content of most foods and the definitions of all label terms than ANYONE else. We are an obsessed group.

-What does it say that when I saw him puke after the supersized double qpc meal, I thought to myself "What a wuss. You can tell he isn't fat. That's nothing. I can eat that and then go for dessert!" Yeah. I'm thinking it doesn't say good things about me.

-I don't get the whole vegan thing. I'm sorry. I'm not a HUGE fan of meat, but at the same time, I don't think I could live without it for eternity. A few days, maybe even 2 weeks, maybe. And to compare ham to heroin? Uh, yeah. The girlfriend is on crack.

For the record, my McD's meals of choice:
-10 piece chicken nugget meal with Dt. Coke
-Big Mac meal with Dt. Coke
-Quarter pounder with cheese meal...with, you guessed it, Dt. Coke
-Sausage biscuit with a vanilla iced coffee
-Sausage McMuffin with cheese, no egg, with vanilla iced coffee

Though...their lattes aren't bad, but the one by me doesn't have them. And yes, I grew up on diet soda. My grandfather was diabetic, and everyone in my family overweight. I hate the taste of most regular soda. I did used to drink regular Sprite, but I gave that up YEARS ago. Didn't change jack.

Now seriously...someone bring me a Big Mac. I'm dyin' here!